Saturday, November 26, 2011

Elbow Pain - A Funny Bone With No Laughing Matter

The elbow is the joint that connects the end of the upper arm bone, distal humerus, to the bones of the forearm, radius and ulna, with ligaments, tendons and muscles.

The elbow allows us to bend, extend and rotate the arm. The radius and ulna, the two bones of the forearm, fit into the ends of the upper arm bone like a hinge forming the elbow joint. The distal humerus, the upper arm bone, flares out to form the medial and lateral epicondyles. The large bump of the ulna behind the elbow joint is called the olecranon. The olecranon forms the bony prominence of the elbow and connects with the triceps muscles of the upper arm.


At one time or another everyone has typically experienced a minor elbow injury. An example of this is when a person bumps their "funny bone." The "funny bone" involves the ulnar nerve that runs down the back of the elbow. When this nerve is bumped, a feeling of pain and a tingling sensation is felt down the arm. This pain may be intense at first but is brief and will go away on its own.

Minor or serious elbow pain can include symptoms such as pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, weakness or a decrease in range of motion. Sudden or acute elbow injuries may be caused by a direct blow, a fall, or a penetrating injury. Other elbow injuries can occur by twisting, jerking, jamming or bending the elbow abnormally.

Examples of acute injuries include bruises, sprains, strains, fractures or dislocation. Overuse injures can occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or other tissue. This can be caused by overdoing an activity or through repetition of an activity. Some examples of overuse injures are bursitis, swelling behind the elbow, tendonitis, micro-tears in the connective tissue, and radial tunnel syndrome, which is the pinching of the deep radial nerve near the elbow joint.

Elbow treatment depends on several factors; the location, type and severity of the injury, how long ago the injury occurred and a persons age, health condition and activities. Elbow treatment measures include the application of a brace, splint, or cast, physical therapy, medication and in some cases surgery.

The elbow is a major joint that provides us with movements we use each and every hour. Taking care of this important joint is important in good health.

Elbow Pain - A Funny Bone With No Laughing Matter

For more important information on various health topics such as joint pain [], Acid Reflux, Arthritis [], and more, visit []

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Buying Funny Bathroom Signs

If looking to add a little humor to the mundane of everyday life consider sprucing up your bathroom by buying funny bathroom signs. The average person uses the bathroom four to six times a day, or about 120 to 180 times per month at an average time of thirty minutes per day. Let bathrooms every bathroom be a reminder to sprinkle some humor (and air freshener) into such a routine part of life.

Funny bathroom signs have been around for a long time. The first funny bathroom sign I remember seeing simply read, "The job isn't finished until the paper work is done." Bathroom signs can be quite tasteful and they certainly don't need to be crude to be funny. If decorating your own bathroom, any slogan that makes you chuckle will do especially if it's toiletry related. Some even serve as useful reminders, such as cartoon character looking dismayed at an empty roll of toilet paper with the simple slogan, "Be Prepared."


While buying funny bathroom signs might not be a suitable option for corporate office spaces demanding professionalism, small business owners, restaurant and pub owners can all benefit from funny bathroom signs. Many small businesses especially restaurants reflect small aspects of the owner's personality in the internal décor, or are decorated to a particular motif. Hence there are distinctively Irish pubs, Western steak houses, Southern buffets, Amish family style restaurants and Old World delis just to name a few examples. A bathroom sign just as unique as the rest of the building might not be inappropriate.

There are a few things to consider when buying bathroom signs and the first is price. There are no guidelines; if you like the sign and the price, go right ahead and buy. The second consideration is tastefulness; if some people might take offense to it, you might reconsider. The third consideration then is why delay? Go out and buy yourself a funny bathroom sign or two.

Buying Funny Bathroom Signs

If you would like to learn more about bathroom signs, please feel free to visit my online bathroom sign guide.

Thanks for Reading.

Shane Dayton

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All About Funny Bowling T-Shirts

Have you ever seen funny bowling T-Shirts? When you and your friends hang out, which is the place you go to? Most people tend to spend a lot of quality time with their friends in bowling alleys. From amateur one time players to frequent professionals, bowling is played by one and all. Bowling is not something that is popular in one country and unknown in another. This is one sport that knows no boundary. Bowling has reached out to every corner of the world attaining a global status. Of course just like every sport has a particular mode of dressing, bowling has set T-Shirts as well.

Bowling T-Shirts are generally loose and short sleeved. When you are bowling, you need to bend down and swing your hand freely to ensure that the right pins are hit. Your bowling performance would be compromised upon if the movements of your muscles got restricted. That is why it is extremely important that the T-Shirt that you are choosing is a comfortable one. Generally the bowling T-Shirts tend made of not just comfortable material but should also be of an absorbent nature. This is to avoid any kind of inconvenience when you sweat too much. The T-Shirts are generally of a casual type. Of all these T-Shirts it is the funny bowling T-Shirts which have attained most popularity.


When you go out to a bowling alley, you would find that most of the people who are present are those who are out to spend a grand day out with their friends. This implies that most of the times that people are bowling, the main object is to have some fun. If that is that case, then what is wrong with adding on an element of fun in the outings? Just for that purpose there are a number of funny bowling T-Shirts which have been released.

Funny bowling T-Shirts go out of their way to make a statement in a crowd and bring a smile in all your friends' faces. While most of these T-Shirts are quite catchy with their cheeky one-liners related to bowling, there are others which have created adages pertaining to bowling. You do not have to be a bowling addict to understand these adages.

All About Funny Bowling T-Shirts

There are loads of other funny bowling T-Shirts which make a statement with fun bowling images which would be sure to make you laugh. So next time you are planning for a bowling session, make sure that you have all that makes up a fun bowling session.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Be Funny and Entertain Your Friends

You will often hear people say that anyone can be funny. If that were so, the world would be full of Jerry Seinfeld's and everyone would be laughing their lives away. Learning how to be funny can be done, but it is not something that will come naturally to everyone. There are some tricks to the trade.

In order to be funny, you have to have a captive audience that wants to be entertained. For instance, you are not going to tell a joke or crack wise to your boss after you dropped the ball on a million dollar account. This is not a wise time. However, a properly executed unexpected joke can set the stage in other situations that will have your friends calling you the life of the party.


Real life situations are often the funniest things that you can offer up. Look at some of the most successful comedians in the world. Bill Cosby, Richard Prior, Eddie Murphy and Kris Rock, all they really do is tell stories about their lives that make us fall out of our chairs. Granted they have a way of doing it, but our lives supply us with your humor every day.

Another thing that evokes laughter is a little pain and suffering. This is a time honored tradition and is the root of slapstick humor. What was funnier that the Three Stooges when you were a kid. Someone getting smacked in the head or taking a groin shot can make you fall out of your chair holding your gut from laughing so hard. Work some of this stuff in and you will be amazed at how funny you become to your friends.

Quick wit is also something that you will find very useful when you are trying to be funny. Making a comment on the obvious with statement that reflects the direct opposite is always a hit. Think Chandler Bing on Friends. His sarcasm would have the fans in stitches on every show.

Does it take work to be funny? Sure it does, but it beat the heck out of being boring!

How to Be Funny and Entertain Your Friends

To get more help on how to be funny just click here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Funny Construction Humor

Six Phases of a Construction Project:

1) Enthusiasm


2) Disillusionment

3) Panic

4) Search For The Guilty

5) Punishment Of The Innocent

6) Praise & Honors For The Non-Participants

Directory of Construction Terminology:

Contractor - A gambler that never gets to cut, shuffle or deal.

Bid Opening - A poker game where the losing hand wins.

Bid - A wild guess carried out to two decimal places.

Low Bidder - A contractor who is wondering why he's left out.

Engineer's Estimate - The cost of construction in heaven.

Project Manager - The conductor of an orchestra in which every musician is in a different union.

Critical Path Method - A management technique for losing your shirt under personal control.

OSHA - A protective coating made by half-baking a mixture of fine print, red tape, split hairs, and
baloney - usually applied at random with a shotgun.

Strike - An effort to increase egg production by strangling the chicken.

Delayed Payment - A tourniquet applied at the pockets.

Completion Date - The point where liquidated damages begin.

Liquidated Damages - A penalty for failing to achieve the impossible.

Auditor - A person who goes in after the war is lost and bayonets the wounded.

Lawyer - A person who goes in after the auditors and strips the bodies.

Funny Construction Humor

Spencer Clarke is President of S.R. Clarke Inc. ( a Real Estate Development / Commercial & Residential Construction Executive Search Firm based in Fairfax, Virginia with offices in Irvine, Califorinia; Sacramento, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Orlando, Florida & Dallas, Texas. Whether you are looking for perfect employment or perfect candidates, we are ready to help. Contact Us Today!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

African American Rhinoplasty Or the Nose Job

The nose is one such feature of the face which can have you look good or bad. That said there is definitely a fascination for the Caucasian nose.

Now a lot of communities such as the African Americans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans and Chinese have noses which are nowhere near the perfect Caucasian shape. A lot of people from these ethnic communities are now going in for the ethic Rhinoplasty or the African American Rhinoplasty.


The biggest numbers of people who are going for the nose job are the African American people. The distinct features of an African American nose are that is very bulbous and the nostrils are very wide.

The trick is to find a Rhinoplasty surgeon who has done the surgical procedure on the said community. That will mean that a doctor who has done the Asian Rhinoplasty may not be able to do the correct African American nose job. So always before finalizing surgeon, search for the surgeon who specializes in African American cosmetic surgery.

Always have your expectation discussed with the surgeon and do not blindly say that you want the surgery done like an actress you just saw. A lot of celebrities have also undergone nose job and these are Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jackson.

Also you will need to very careful with the post operative care. That is the most critical part and that is the only thing that will make sure that you come out with a nose that is to your liking. No exposure to sun is a must for few days after the operation.

African American Rhinoplasty Or the Nose Job

The author writes about the African American Rhinoplasty and the Asian Rhinoplasty

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Funny Animal Pictures

Animals and pets are the most interest-provoking creatures of all. Funny pictures are truly a great piece of entertainment. You can do a lot with these funny animal pictures and make your life full of fun since these pictures always bring a smile to your face when you see them.

There are various websites that show different kinds of pet behavior and funny pet videos and pictures. The most common animal pictures that can be seen are those of cats, dogs, monkeys and chimps, hamsters, cows, rats and ducks. The animals are usually fashioned up in a funny way or some different kind of an expression is taken of these pets.


Most pictures are also given captions to make them look funnier. Animal pictures usually comprise of cats and monkeys wearing huge sun glasses or holding a ball. There are funny pictures where dogs and cats act as basketballs that jump into the nets and make a goal. There are other pictures which cats are peeping out of a basket or a monkey or a chimp drinking a cola or a juice bottle. In certain pictures animals are also seen reading newspapers or sitting on bench like buddies.

With the latest technology around and the advent of mobile phones, animals are also seen talking on mobile phones or working on laptops! Sometimes they are also made to sit in cars to pretend as if they are driving a car or so. Most animal pictures are based on monkeys doing human actions since the monkey race is considered to be closest to the human race. These make hilarious pictures and these can be captioned in a very interesting way as well.

Funny animal picture are also available in terms of posters which are very famous amongst pet lovers. Pet lovers decorate these posters on their walls and children and teenagers also enjoy a great deal putting these pictures in their rooms. These pictures are widely available on the internet and can be downloaded for free. You can use these pictures as wall papers and make a collection in your computer for yourself as well.

Funny pictures have always been popular and will be popular in future as well. The beauty of these pictures lies in the fact that they are so close to nature and at the same time depict something so hilarious and cute. Funny animal pictures also carry some sort of a message with them which can either be captioned or can be assumed in a well explanatory picture itself.

So, if you have not explored these pictures then do search a few websites and download these pictures to enjoy and entertain yourself since they are widely available on the internet.

Funny Animal Pictures

To learn more about Funny Animal Pictures please visit

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Funny Dating Questions

Coming up with real good sensible questions that leave a deep impression during a date can be as tough as setting up that perfect date itself. Most people get extremely bored when dull, mundane and generic questions such as "How's work today" or "Have you taken your lunch" are posed to them. Give them a break! I am sure your date has heard all these often enough.

To begin with, the main reason why she went out with you is precisely due to the fact that she expects you to be an interesting person. Some people choose to ask questions that are relatively cheeky, while others wish to leave a good impression on their date by asking witty questions. The trick to success here is to combine both elements to generate questions that are both interesting and leave a long-lasting impression.


As with most things, humor can take two distinct forms, slanting towards either towards being hilarious or peculiar.

The trick here is not to be on the extreme hilarious side of humor. While being funny is important, some jokes can be downright lame or so hilarious that it completely spoils the entire mood of the date, turning it into a comedy. It would be good if you are experienced with this sort of questions as it means that you would be able to select the appropriate questions, preventing you from being too overly hilarious. Otherwise, do not try such questions for you risk being labeled a crackpot if you find it hilarious while your date does not, or risk spoiling the entire mood for the date should things go out of hand.

On the other hand, humorous questions that have a more peculiar element would be most suitable for most people including both yourself and your date. It also provides the added advantage of you developing an even deeper understanding of your date. What is labeled peculiar cannot be agreed on specifically. However, most would come to a general consensus that a peculiar question that is humorous would be of one that is least expected by others. Questions you can consider include the following:

1. Which is your favorite domestic animal?

2. How would you feel if you were lost in the Amazon all by yourself?

3. How would you feel if you were in a white room with people all dressed in white?

4. State your favorite food and over three reasons why it is so.

The first question offers you an idea of your date's view of others' impression of her. The second question will let you understand her outlook towards death. The third will let you understand her views of marriage while the last will give you an idea of her attitudes towards sex. Interesting isn't it?

So stop asking all that boring, generic questions over and over again. Use your creativity to spice up your date and let her have a long lasting impression of you as a person. Better still, you get to know more about your date by means of humorous questions that have a peculiar slant. Explore the options, you have the freedom!

Funny Dating Questions

Find out how guys screw up their first date. Visit

Friday, November 11, 2011

Funny Quotes About Life - Where to Use Them

Laughter is perhaps one of the most important and necessary ingredients of a happy and fulfilling life. It is a free medicine that keeps you away from all other medicines. It keeps you fit and healthy, physically and mentally.

One of the best ways to keep your laughter motor running smoothly is funny life quotes. There are various different ways of using funny life quotes and here are few ideas that you may find very useful.


Use them as a Tattoo - If you love having a Tattoo on your body, then you might consider putting funny life quotes on your body as a tattoo. You never run out of option as there are countless numbers of funny quotes about life available for you to choose from. In fact, today it is the trend of putting funny and humorous quotes on body. So go ahead, find out some funny quotes on life that represent your inner self and tattoo them on your body.

Use them in your college scrapbook - Another great way to use them is to put them in your college scrapbook. If you have elaborated your college scrapbook with all those funny college pictures of your friends, then adding Funny Life Quotes in it is like Ice on the cake. Adding a funny quote below your picture can make your college scrapbook look more beautiful and expressive. So pick a few quotes and use them in your scrapbook and make it more expressive.

Use them in your online profile - You can use them in your profile in social networking websites. It is your profile that decides other people's opinion about you. So your profile should be impressive and expressive. It should be something that represents your true personality. Using a funny Life Quotes in your social networking websites profile will make you come across as a very humorous, full of life and friendly person.

Use them on a birthday card - Another great option to consider if you want to use Funny Life Quotes is to add them on birthday card you sent to your friends on their birthday. It's a great way to add a touch of fun and humor to your birthday card that will certainly bring smile on the face of person you are sending card to. So next time, whenever you send out a card to your near and dear ones, don't forget to include a good funny quote.

Read them with your friends and family -It's a great fun and enjoyment to read them sitting with your friends and family. It makes you laugh out loud and at the same time it strong those precious bonds. So next time whenever you are together with your friends or family, consider opening a good website or taking a book containing humorous quotes about life. You'll all really enjoy.

Funny Quotes About Life - Where to Use Them

Check out our website to read our collection of Funny Life Quotes and Sayings.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Children's Clothing - Especially Smocked Children's Fashions

Children's fashions are not an easy task. There are trends emerging each season. The seasons are Spring and Fall-Holiday and the collections differ greatly. Fall and Holiday dresses usually are produced at the same time. Christmas dresses are a very popular item and so are Easter dresses. These two holiday seasons pretty much keep the children's boutique clothing stores in business. There are lots of specialty occasions things also like christening, baby shower gifts and birthday outfits. This is the most difficult clientele and niche in its category. With competitive marketing strategies and a well aware buyer status, the manufacturers are proactive in their ability to create newer comfortable solutions in dresses.

There is a large demand for boys specialty clothing items. People complain and ask why children's boutique stores don't carry more boys clothing. Boys clothing is very hard to find. The reason for this is simply that boys clothing are just as difficult or more difficult to produce than girls clothing. People just are not willing to pay the same price for boys clothes as they are for the cute little girly things. There is a large demand for smocked Easter dresses for kids and also ones that have special messages like picture smocking with birthday cakes or birthday balloons and party hats. New born and infants clothing is in very high demand in these tough economic times. There will always be a need for clothes for new born babies. Peruvian cotton layette clothing for infants is of very much interest. Lines like Sweet Cheeks have matching blankets, bibs, hats, sleepers, onsies, rompers, dresses and leggings all in matching fabrics that can be displayed for customers in boutique stores. These make a very lovely display and customers seem to love these for baby shower gifts and just special things that grandma likes to buy. Applique clothing items such as jumpers and jon jons are very popular children's clothing item.


Many years ago, mostly children of royalty wore this kind of clothing. Smocking is an ancient art which originated in England and was most popular during the thirteen and fourteen hundreds. Smocking is an exquisite art and is a kind of embroidery. It is mostly used in children's clothing but is used somewhat in ladies blouses and night wear. Martha Pullen and Children's Corner patterns has made smocking very popular for stay at home moms to do sewing for their children. Smocked dresses are available in jumpers for casual wear. In recent years, it has become popular to cut a square from the center front of a tee shirt and insert a square about 6 inches square in the center of the shirt to make a cute playful capri or pant set. Smocking patterns is all about threads. Mostly cotton thread is used. The design can vary according to the number of threads that are used to smock. The smocked dress can be done in lots of different patterns. The round yoke dress is called a bishop dress. Some dresses are smocked to the waist in a bodice pattern. Lots of sundresses are made with smocking designs. Sometimes white inserts are used in a color fabric and something called picture smocking is inserted to form a lovely picture such as santa for Christmas or bunny rabbits for Easter. Lots of different smocked clothing is enjoyed by children all over the world.

If you think your child should look like a little princess, then smocking is certainly something that you may want to consider. Lots of pieces of smocked clothing become heirloom clothing items. There are multiple companies producing handmade smocked children's clothing. One outstanding smocked line is Bow Peep. Bow Peep is a handmade smocked dress line that has been in the United States for 16 years. Bow Peep clothing is manufactured in Central America by some of the most talented crafts people in the world. The native ladies there love doing this kind of work. They teach their young daughters at a young age to do the handmade smocking. They start them out doing what is called back smocking. This is the stitching that is done on the back of the design that causes the design to hold its shape. I was amazed to know that the 50 women that do the smocking for Bow Peep can produce about 200 smocked designs per day. That is an average of 4 dresses per day. That is pretty amazing as I have done some smocking myself and it would take me much longer.

Elegance is the reason for smocked clothing. Parents enjoy dressing their children in elegant and quality garments. A Children's Boutique store is the best place to find those special one-of-a-kind items for your children.

Children's Clothing - Especially Smocked Children's Fashions

Saturday, November 5, 2011

7 Funny Conversation Starters

While you'd think that funny conversations are light, easy and carefree affairs, believe it or not they take considerable effort and practice to begin and maintain. The common adage that comedy is the toughest thing to do is no lie, and even with something as seemingly simple as a conversation with another person or a small group, it can be among the most difficult things you do all day to kick off a funny, engaging conversation. But with a little preparation and practice it won't be a problem to get friends, guys, and girls laughing. Here are seven funny conversation starters to help you get started.

Finding something in your surroundings that makes you chuckle or amused and pointing it out in conversation can be a funny way to kick things off, or to keep a conversation going when it seems that it might stall out prematurely.


Everyone, believe it or not, loves a bad joke when it's told intentionally to be a bad joke. Cheesy pick-up lines can work like, "You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day." They are so awful sometimes that it is incredibly funny, and often gets everyone in the group to begin sharing the bad and cheesy jokes they know. For example, "What do you call a video of pedestrians? Footage". Please, stop laughing.

A quirky and ironic statement - either directly related to something or someone in the conversation, or related to something else entirely - can be a great way to get the mental and social juices flowing and give a decidedly intellectual and humorous path to a given conversation. Find something like "why are self-help programs always conducted in groups?" or comments along those lines.

Everyone always loves a funny story with a personal touch. Stories are a great tool for effective communication. It not only helps get a conversation rolling along toward the funny side, personal anecdotes help endear you to your conversation partners as such stories help everyone to get to know you better.

For whatever reason, vacation stories tend to be funny (not so much as a good conversation starter with strangers, but friends), as all of the best laid plans always seem to to wrong in precisely the most humorous ways. Whether it's a person you sat next to on the plane, or the kayak that refused to stay upright, chances are something funny has happened to you on holiday, and this conversation starter will get everyone sharing theirs.

Bad business meetings, poor encounters with people and things, bad traffic stops, for whatever reason people seem to delight in others' awkward moments. Such incidents are fun way to get everyone sharing.

This is usually the most fertile ground for sharing funny stories and getting everyone talking, as most everyone has had at least one humorously bad date. Use it on a man or girl you've started dating to show you're funny side.

7 Funny Conversation Starters

Get a free report that shows 101 great conversation starters to become popular and develop effective social skills. Copy and paste the following URL into your browser

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fun Baby Clothing - Tips To Buy Funny Baby Clothes

When it comes to babies, no one knows what the trend will be for their clothes. The mothers and fathers of the children today were the kids/teenagers of the 80's generation punk rock/alternative era. Many chose to stay in the 1980s and not grow up. A Peter Pan condition seems to have hit. Many parents will dress their little Joey's or Susie's, which are matter of punk rock and biker attire. Many baby-clothing outlets love these types. They are intended to fashion even the most anarchistic and anti social parents proud to sport their child around, saying, "Isn't my baby adorable in punk rock clothing?"

There are numerous specialty shops and online stores that offer these types of clothing. Most of them intended for just for babies and infants and designed in a tee-shirt format or one-piece suits. Listed below are some of the slogans used and can be found:
- Hung Like A 5-year old?
- If You Can Read This... THE BIB FELL OFF! (UK oriented)
- Mom Knows A Lot, But Grandma Knows Everything.
- If Mommy Says No, Ask Daddy
- Little Punker (UK oriented)
- It's Not Going To Change Itself! - this is in reference to a diaper in need of changing. On the shirt, there is a picture of Stewie from Family Guy and he has his rear end out of his outfit, asking for a change. (It's really cute!)

Funny Onsies

Most of the clothing's color comes in the traditional blacks, reds and pinks used by punk rockers of yesterday and today. Some of these slogans can be found in the United Kingdom as well as in the United States. The ones seen in the UK can be found on the Internet and for those in the US, it is the same way.

A popular British baby outlet does very good. The name of it is called The Rally Shack. It has the "The Bib Fell Off" shirt in sizes 6 months, 18 months and 24 months. It does so well that one has to think that the punk rocker of the yesterdays saved up their money just to buy these outfits. This outfit, among many, many others retails around US money and £10 UK cash. bucks is a heavy price for an outfit that is going to have spit up and poop on it as well as be outgrown in no time. Yet, children need clothes and parents do have their styles too. There is a market for these types of outfits.

Listed below are two shops that do specialize in these outfits:

The Kids Window - Based out of the UK, the site offers the US, UK, European and other world versions and sells conventional and alternative baby clothing. Many clothing are offered including hoodies. Prices for the outfits range from £12 to £16.99 (approximately to US money).

Lucky L'il Devil - Based out of the US, the site offers everything any parent possibly will want to turn the baby into a little hoodlum under on roof. In addition to rock and pop culture enthused Tee shirts such as humors shirt readings along with the Betty Page and homage tees that are offered; they also sport apron dresses and leggings that accept images of situational events. One such tee shirt reads, "Daddy Drinks because I Cry." The stores prices vary from to for t-shirts while the apron dresses are to and for the leggings.

Fun Baby Clothing - Tips To Buy Funny Baby Clothes

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