The nose is one such feature of the face which can have you look good or bad. That said there is definitely a fascination for the Caucasian nose.
Now a lot of communities such as the African Americans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans and Chinese have noses which are nowhere near the perfect Caucasian shape. A lot of people from these ethnic communities are now going in for the ethic Rhinoplasty or the African American Rhinoplasty.
The biggest numbers of people who are going for the nose job are the African American people. The distinct features of an African American nose are that is very bulbous and the nostrils are very wide.
The trick is to find a Rhinoplasty surgeon who has done the surgical procedure on the said community. That will mean that a doctor who has done the Asian Rhinoplasty may not be able to do the correct African American nose job. So always before finalizing surgeon, search for the surgeon who specializes in African American cosmetic surgery.
Always have your expectation discussed with the surgeon and do not blindly say that you want the surgery done like an actress you just saw. A lot of celebrities have also undergone nose job and these are Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jackson.
Also you will need to very careful with the post operative care. That is the most critical part and that is the only thing that will make sure that you come out with a nose that is to your liking. No exposure to sun is a must for few days after the operation.
African American Rhinoplasty Or the Nose Job
The author writes about the African American Rhinoplasty and the Asian Rhinoplasty
Im no expert, but I believe you just made an excellent point. You certainly fully understand what youre speaking about, and I can truly get behind that. nose job men