Sunday, January 1, 2012

How to Be Funny - Part 6 - Knowing What's NOT Funny

How to Be Funny - Part 6 - Knowing What's NOT Funny

Have you ever told the same joke, you know your "signature line", to two different people on two different occasions and had one laugh and the other look at you like you were crazy?

In your journey to be funny you need to know that there are some lines that just should not be crossed. Some subjects are just too over the top, too taboo, and will make people too uncomfortable when you talk about them. The sobering fact is that they are just not funny and should be avoided like the plague.

Yes, there are a number of really great comedians out there that cuss like sailors and have no problem discussing "toilet humor", sex jokes and the like but in the end you are better off steering clear.

So what else is not funny? The list could be endless depending on who you ask but here are some 3 biggies:

1.    Defenseless/Innocent Target

2.    Normal Reality not Violated

3.    Grossly Offensive

Defenseless/Innocent Target: There is a sort of unspoken rule among some in the world of comedy that any and all targets are fair game except for those individuals that can't defend themselves. If the person you are attacking doesn't have the mental or physical ability to jab you back or make a case for themselves then they are considered off limits and any attempts to poke fun of them will only be seen as cruel. This usually covers young children and the mentally handicapped.

Normal Reality not Violated:  In a previous article we introduced Incongruity Theory as one of the 3 main theories of humor. At the very heart of this is the idea that laughter comes out when we recognize the difference between our normal expectation and a surprising situation that differs from our reality. What does this mean? If there is no surprise, there is no funny.

Grossly Offensive: This one should be self-explanatory. It includes scatological humor or anything that's just plain gross, anything mean and sadistic, humor involving racial slurs, most jokes about Michael Jackson and children etc. If you have to lower your voice and look over your shoulder before telling a joke or story then chances are that is belongs in this category.

How to Be Funny - Part 6 - Knowing What's NOT Funny


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