Monday, October 24, 2011

Great and Funny Sex Facts

There are some crazy funny sex facts out there, some of them are really hilarious. For example, did you know that during the world war 11, the condoms that were there were used to cover the rifle barrels so that they could not get damaged. Apparently, the salt water could damage the rifle barrels and the only way to be sure that they got across the river safely as the soldiers swam by was by rapping them with condoms. That is very funny. It was also found that thirty years ago,the sperm count of the average American was higher than what it is right now. Doesn't science just make you wonder? And that in India, a condom is too expensive and it is being compared with prostitution. According to some people, it is more expensive to buy a condom than to sleep with a prostitute! That is a sick one.

If you are feeling any kind of pain, the best medicine you can give yourself is sex. They even go further ahead and say that sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. During orgasm in women, endorphins is produced. This is a very good pain killer. Some more funny sex facts for you, if you want to loose weight, relax on going to the gym. Get yourself a good person and have a lot of sex. Sex is known to burn about three hundred calories in an hour. So for every sex you have for an hour you can count the number of calories you are loosing. In some of the states in the united state of America, if your man is impotent, you can file for a divorce and win the case. You no longer have to stick with an impotent person just because you are married.


Did you also know that condoms were made out of linen and they were used in the early 1500's. This people knew right from those years that they needed to protect themselves. The women are the ones who used this linen condoms. They however used the linen condoms to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and not necessarily diseases. Having sex according to some researchers is also good for skin. They say the during sex, women produce a hormone known as estrogen in large quantities that helps in making their skin and hair look good. There was a scientific test done on this test people, you had better believe it, those are some funny sex facts to wonder about.

When you make love in a gentle manner, you decrease chances of getting some skin conditions. Did you also know that people who make love frequently attract a lot of people of the opposite sex? This is because, people who have sex often give out a chemical known as pheromones which is basically a sex perfume. There are a lot of funny sex facts around that are true, though they are funny and you might not want to believe them they are true. Next time you have sex, think of the many things you could preventing yourself from or you could be curing yourself from and enjoy the act.

Great and Funny Sex Facts

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Sex Facts [] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success,


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