Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Be Remembered With a Funny Email Address

Be Remembered With a Funny Email Address

Wouldn't you love a funny email address? How many email addresses do you have in your contact list? Probably hundreds, but how many of them can you remember off by heart? Probably none but why is that?

Email is the most convenient and common form of written communication in the world and yet we seem to have absolutely no imagination when it comes to creating our address. Why is this? My theory is that we think of our email address a bit like our home address - plain, dull, boring and something you just get stuck with because you happen to buy a house in Bland Street.

Well it doesn't have to be like that. The Internet gives you power to let your imagination run wild, so why not create a funny email address that your friends and family will always remember with a smile!

A personalized email address should be an extension of you, your personality, your sense of humour or something that people always remember about you. Here are a couple of examples to get you thinking. What about Sharon (at) shoefettish (dot) net or perhaps David (at) ilovefishing (dot) com.

Just imagine how easy it will be for your family and friends to contact you if they don't have to look up your boring email address. Think about your friends off on holiday interstate - they've landed an extra ticket to the Football Grand Final and need someone who can jump on a plane quickly. Their mobile is flat so they duck into an Internet cafe but they can't access their contact address book. Luckily your address springs to mind for all the obvious reasons - so you get the email and you're on a plane before the return email reaches them.

Of course your funny email id also comes in handy whenever you need someone to remember how to get in contact with you. Let's face it, no one remembers mobile phone numbers. Contact details scribbled on the backs of drink coasters can easily get lost and the woman of your dreams might slip out of your world all because of a stupid bit of paper.

Humour on the other hand is a perfect memory aid. If something is funny we remember it. Think about your favourite movie, the bits you remember are usually the bits that made you laugh the loudest. A funny email address will not only tickle her funny bone but she'll remember you and how to get in contact.

Don't let your personality get lost in your boring email address. After all, your email is personal, it's yours. So why not create a funny email address that gets you noticed and remembered. With billions of people in the world we need to find every possible way to stand out. You don't need to know everyone, but you do want to be remembered by those that matter to you the most. A funny email address will make sure your family and friends will never forget you and leave you out of the loop.

Be Remembered With a Funny Email Address


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